Tracking is a dog sport where by dogs are required to pick up on a scent and follow the scent through a variety of terrain, ultimately to a target.
The use of dogs in search and rescue is a valuable component in responding to law enforcement requests for missing people. Search and rescue dogs detect human scent and will follow the path that the subject has taken with the aim of finding the subject.
Tracking is a separate dog sport in some countries, but in NZ, tracking forms part of working dog trials. Working trials started in NZ in 1966 and became a three level competition in 1978. In the tracking segment, a defined track has a starting point in a field from which a 'marking' person has previously walked - anywhere from upwards 800 metres. In the starting level the dog is worked on an extended leash and works with the handler. At higher levels, obstacles on a track can include fences, roads, hills, gullies and streams. The dog has to locate an object or target at the end of the track.
Training dates and trial dates vary from month to month so you will need to check with organisers.
So the organisers know how much land is required, it is very important to phone our secretary to tell her you will be attending.
Secretary: Rena Shaw (09) 445 0138
Start Time: 8:30am
Venue: Shaws Farm, Biddick Road, Karaka
Bring: Dog's favourite toy, lunch and drink.
Cost: $5.00 for members and first timers and $10 for non-members.
To inquire about Tracking please email Nicole: