Prizegiving December 2018
Congratulations to everyone . Another fun year and lots to celebrate. We captured some of the winners. For a full list scroll to the bottom.

Club person of the year

The smile says it all!

Top Maxi Dog

Agility Champion

Most Improved Handler

Top Novice Obedience Dog

Top Maxi Jumpers dog

Full Results
Clear Rounds
30 CR Elaine Rohde and Sneaky
60 CR Elaine Rohde and Jag
200 CR Sylvia Lord and Scooter
300 CR Chris Charlton and Peaches
Heather Warren and Jazz, Griff and Flynn
Heather Warren and Jazz, Griff, Buddy and Flynn
Chris Charlton and Cardiac Arrest
Elaine Rodhe and License to Steal
Nicole Beaumont and Sheez Pipe-N-Hot
Di Stephens and The Empire Strikes Back
ADX Bronze
Heather Warren and Jazz, Griff and Flynn
ADX Silver
Heather Warren and Jazz, Griff and Flynn
ADX Gold
Heather Warren and Jazz and Griff
Agility Champion
Heather Warren and Jazz and Griff
Chris Charlton and Corindale to Infinity
Jumper Champion
Heather Warren and Jazz and Buddy
Agility Grand Champion
Heather Warren and Jazz
Jumpers Grand Champion
Christine Wallace and Aquila Liquid Gold
Heather Warren and Buddy
Top Starter Dog: Allan Rohde and Kruz
Mini/Micro Agility Dog: Toshimi Service and Ace
Mini/Micro Jumper Dog: Toshimi Service and Ace
Medium Agility Dog: Elaine Rohde and Bolt
Medium Jumpers Dog: Patsy Aldridge and Jaffa
Maxi Agility Dog: Heather Warren and Jazz
Maxi Jumpers Dog: Heather Warren and Flynn
Most Improved: Chantelle Trust and Harley
Most Improved Runner-Up: Louise Postles and Django
Agility Dog of the Year: Heather Warren and Jazz
Agility Dog of the Year Runner-Up: Heather Warren and Buddy
Novice: Marilyn Lambert and Star
Test A: Elaine Rohde and Sneaky
Test B: Jenny Butler and Minty
Test C : Elaine Rohde and Bolt